Monday, October 10, 2011

X or Y

On Friday we find out if Bean is a sweet little Breezy doll or a hyper little Gripper. Based on the lack of movement today I pick girl. Until recently I was pretty sure it was going to be a boy. Now I've created a pro/con list for each gender based on said gender exemplifying the parents same characteristics. And Skip wonders what I do when he's gone.

The XX                                             The XY

Huge blue eyes                                Will inherit many hunting accessories

May out-cute Mom (and she            Will have to fight older brother for
would have to come up with new      hunting gear
ways to get out of trouble)    

Tendency to the dramatic                  Will constantly be playing in the dirt

Lots of fun outfits                              Decor from old blinds

Crazy flexibility, no muscles             Abs by age four but unable to touch toes

Austen, Dickens, Clark                     Hemingway, Vonnegut, Wildfowl

A tendency to create messes             A tendency to break things

Now imagine that they are flipped and the little girl turns out to be an outdoor loving hunting fool and the little boy is a shy bookworm. That's probably going to happen.

Make a prediction!


The Stells! said...

i am going to say you will follow the Hall girl tradition and have a girl first :)

Amber R. said...

I say they just haven't caught it yet - twins!